SupplyCompass​ x Queen of Raw​: Changing the Landscape for Deadstock Fabric

Could deadstock fabric be an all-round win-win solution that works for people, planet, and profit?

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, sustainability has still been a top priority for many brands. There has been a lot of sustainability and circularity conversations taking place. It is the kind of talk that has brought about a renewed vigour for brands looking to adjust and re-prioritise. Looking to help fashion designers build a connected and circular future technology company, Queen of Raw​ has partnered up with SupplyCompass​, the production software for fashion brands and manufacturers to offer a solution to forward thinking fashion designers.

Addressing the $120 billion a year of unused textiles that are usually thrown into landfills, burned, or laid to rest in warehouses the collaboration will provide a myriad of deadstock fabric options to help brands design more sustainable collections. Creating value from waste, and championing circularity the SupplyCompass x Queen of Raw partnership’s main objective is to introduce an exciting solution to the marketplace that gives the industry another option to be more sustainable.

Helping Brands Design More Sustainable Collections

On a mission to offload excess fabrics with buyers who are interested in high quality sustainable and affordable textiles NYC-based company, Queen of Raw is also leveraging blockchain technology. By doing so, they can provide transparency around wasted inventory, including water, toxins, energy, and dollars saved. Fashion businesses that choose to leverage the Queen of Raw platform will get access to SupplyCompass deadstock fabrics at scale. Brands and manufacturers in SupplyCompass’ network will already available as of 1st September 2020.

Our vision is to make sustainability accessible and cost-effective for every brand, and the Deadstock Library is a vital piece of the jigsaw for this.

Flora Davidson, SupplyCompass

Besides successfully changing the path of deadstock fabric by seamlessly integrating it into the design flow, SupplyCompass‘ broader mission to make sustainability accessible and cost-effective for all. According to the press release, the launch came about as a direct result of increasing demand for deadstock fabric from brands and manufacturers, which the fashion production software company observed being accelerated by the impacts of COVID-19. The pandemic has left brands concerned by money tied up in unsold inventory and manufacturers saddled with leftover fabric from cancelled orders.

SupplyCompass sees enormous potential when it comes to the use of deadstock fabrics, beyond just an environmental perspective. They are empowering designers to build collections around what is already available can reduce lead times by as much as 6-8 weeks. Their partnership is also a reaction brands needing to be able to produce closer to the season, which has become a top priority for some.

Building a Connected and Circular Future Globally

On the importance of why working with deadstock fabric is a great solution SupplyCompass Co-Founder, Flora Davidson shared: “Deadstock has always been something we wanted to offer our brands, but there are challenges in doing it effectively and at scale. We’re really excited by this partnership with Queen of Raw, which is an amazing platform making deadstock fabric possible in an easy, streamlined way.”

SupplyCompass Co-Founder, Flora Davidson

Davidson continues: “Digitisation of materials, components, and trims into our cloud-based libraries is a big part of our tech roadmap. Our vision is to make sustainability accessible and cost-effective for every brand, and the Deadstock Library is a vital piece of the jigsaw for this. Brands can design collections in the SupplyCompass platform and in one click, access available resources, materials from factories and suppliers close by, designing around all of those elements at the start of the process—whilst also allowing factories to sell their waste stock. We’d ultimately like to see 25% of every brand’s collections being made from deadstock materials.”

Adding to what Davidson said, Queen of Raw CEO & Co-Founder, Stephanie Benedetto said: “The quicker we can match a buyer with a seller, the quicker we can keep valuable deadstock out of the landfill. We are thrilled to power the SupplyCompass Deadstock Library and give their community of buyers access to these materials, integrated directly into their manufacturing software. Everything is readily available, at a discount, and away from areas impacted by disruption.”

Queen of Raw CEO & Co-Founder, Stephanie Benedetto

Using artificial intelligence and machine learning to match companies that have excess fabric with the creators close by who need it throughout the world Queen of Raw’s marketplace has so far, helped buyers and sellers of fabric save over one billion gallons of water. That’s enough clean water for 1.43 million people to drink around the world for three years.

Those who sign up to the SupplyCompass Deadstock Library get access to the Deadstock Library where brands looking to design and produce collections with deadstock fabric are first provided with sample yardage. Following this, they are the. required to place a down payment to block out the chosen material. Currently, jersey, leather, and handwoven fabrics are available, with more to follow.

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Founding editor-in-chief of, Muchaneta is currently one of the leading influencers writing about the merger of fashion with technology and wearable technology. She has also given talks at Premiere Vision, Munich Fabric Start and Pure London, to name a few. Besides working as a fashion innovation consultant for various fashion companies like LVMH Atelier, Muchaneta has also contributed to Vogue Business, is a senior contributor at The Interline and an associate lecturer at London College of Fashion, UAL.